Well it's taken me a long time to get posting but here's the start of my new blog- so I hope some interesting and useful bits of Pottery info will appear here in future!!
There'll be the usual self promoting propaganda- sorry!-details of my upcoming exhibitions, sales- eBay auctions of 2nds etc. I 'll also post anything I think of interest to the Potter or "follower"- with stuff about making- kiln firing, techniques I use and so on.
I hope it won't be too boring!
It's going to be my escape from Facebook- which has got a bit tedious so there we are- and another outlet for my work:)
Thanks for watching!
There'll be the usual self promoting propaganda- sorry!-details of my upcoming exhibitions, sales- eBay auctions of 2nds etc. I 'll also post anything I think of interest to the Potter or "follower"- with stuff about making- kiln firing, techniques I use and so on.
I hope it won't be too boring!
It's going to be my escape from Facebook- which has got a bit tedious so there we are- and another outlet for my work:)
Thanks for watching!
Above: A Raku bowl from a batch of work sent to the Beecroft Art Gallery- Christmas Cracker Exhibition! Oct- Dec 2012
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