Well it's been a while since I've had time to make some of my sculptures, but I am slowly building up a new body of work. Pictured here are some "Pisces" and "Neptune" pieces. It's slow going and a bit of a methodical process. I can only really make about 2 pots a day, so it's not like throwing where you can reel off a whole batch in an afternoon. (If you're lucky!) Despite the time it takes- I do enjoy hand-building, and especially slab work- as it allows me to mentally "switch off". I suppose really it becomes almost a subliminal process in itself. In large parts it's a waiting game. You have to let the clay dry to exactly the right "leather hard" condition before you can even start building. Then it's joining-sculpting angles- cutting edges- adding details- refining- and refining again. It's enough to drive you beserk! :) Below: Greenware "pots" waiting to be "fettled...
The online Blog from Uk Raku potter, Shaun Hall.