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Showing posts from December, 2017

New work for Rippingham Art

Rippingham Art - The Art Online Gallery - Raku Vessel “Pisces XIV” I've been working with Rippingham Art for several years and they offer an eclectic curated range of painting, sculpture and ceramics.  They're pretty good to deal with too! Check out my new listing here...

Winter Chawans at

A batch of work is going to be made available through One is now already in the Chawan collection of S tephen Dee it's founder ! Check in and it should appear soon on the News page. The Raku Chawans developed rather unconsciously after a bout of ill health earlier this year, and were inspired by the potters of Japan, as well as the early work of the great Robin Welch . I spent some time in Wales too recently, and the rather rugged peaks and crags and shorelines all seem to have an echo in what I'm producing. They're more organic than anything I've previously done. I've never strayed into tea bowl territory much, but they seem to be doing well for me now and it feels like I'm developing some modicum of fluency. I particularly enjoy the freedom of mark making and incising on the wet clay and altering the rims. Two styles have surfaced, a straight sided "industrial" and an incised "wobbly" versio...